Harris vs. Trump: Key Differences in Their Immigration Policies

Written by

Inayat Sharma

Fact check by

Afreen Abbasi

Updated on

Oct 22,2024

Harris vs. Trump: Key Differences in Their Immigration Policies- TerraTern

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The immigration debate in the United States is a focal point of political discourse, with significant contrasts between different leaders' approaches. In this context, the policies of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump present two distinctly different visions for the country's future. This blog delves into the key differences between their immigration policies, examining how each leader's approach could shape the lives of immigrants in the U.S.

Introduction to Harris's Immigration Policies

Kamala Harris, as a representative of the Democratic Party, brings a more inclusive and humanitarian approach to immigration. Her policies reflect a commitment to reforming the system to ensure that it is fair, just, and compassionate. Harris advocates for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and supports DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients, emphasizing the need to protect immigrant families and integrate them into society.

Introduction to Trump’s Immigration Policies

Donald Trump, aligned with the Republican Party, has a contrasting stance on immigration, focusing on strict enforcement and border security. His policies are rooted in the belief that immigration should be controlled to protect American jobs and national security. Trump's approach includes building a wall along the southern border, reducing legal immigration, and implementing stricter vetting processes for immigrants, especially from certain countries.


Path to United States Citizenship: A Major Divergence

Harris's Approach to Citizenship Harris supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, particularly those who have been in the U.S. for years and contribute to the economy. She believes in creating an opportunity for these individuals to earn legal status, reflecting her broader commitment to immigration reform that emphasizes compassion and integration.

Trump's Stance on Citizenship Trump, on the other hand, opposes a blanket pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. His administration focused on deportation and enforcement, with limited support for any form of legalization for undocumented individuals. Trump's stance is rooted in the belief that rewarding illegal entry into the country undermines the rule of law.

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DACA and DREAMers: Protection vs. Restriction

Harris's Support for DACA Kamala Harris has been a strong advocate for the protection of DACA recipients, often referred to as DREAMers. She believes that these individuals brought to the U.S. as children deserve protection from deportation and should have access to legal status, education, and employment opportunities.

Trump’s Position on DACA Trump's administration attempted to end DACA, arguing that the program was an overreach of executive authority. While courts blocked the termination, Trump's stance on DACA reflects his broader approach to immigration—favouring stricter controls and limiting protections for undocumented individuals.

Border Security: Walls vs. Technology

Harris's Border Security Plan Harris emphasizes smart and effective border security that does not rely on physical barriers like a wall. She advocates for the use of technology, better infrastructure at ports of entry, and addressing the root causes of migration in countries of origin as a means of managing the border effectively.

Trump's Wall and Border Security Trump's most iconic immigration policy is the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He views the wall as essential to preventing illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and other cross-border crimes. Trump's border security policy is centred on physical barriers and increased enforcement.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Welcoming vs. Restricting

Harris's Refugee Policy Harris supports increasing the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. and believes in restoring the country’s role as a haven for those fleeing persecution. Her policies advocate for a humane asylum process that allows individuals to seek protection without facing harsh detainment or immediate deportation.

Trump’s Approach to Refugees Trump significantly reduced the number of refugees allowed into the U.S. during his presidency, arguing that it was necessary for national security. His administration also implemented policies that made it more difficult for asylum seekers to enter the U.S., reflecting a broader agenda of restricting immigration.

Immigration Enforcement: Reform vs. Rigor

Harris’s Vision for Enforcement Harris advocates for reforming immigration enforcement to prioritize serious criminals rather than targeting all undocumented immigrants. She supports policies that protect immigrant communities from aggressive enforcement actions that can lead to family separations and other humanitarian concerns.

A zero-tolerance policy, including the controversial family separation policy at the border, characterized Trump’s Enforcement Policies and Trump’s approach to immigration enforcement. His administration prioritized deportations and strict enforcement, with a focus on removing undocumented immigrants from the country.

Family Separation and Reunification: Compassion vs. Deterrence

Harris on Family Separation Kamala Harris strongly opposes the separation of families at the border, a practice that gained widespread criticism during the Trump administration. She advocates for policies that keep families together and ensure that children are not separated from their parents.

Trump’s Family Separation Policy Under Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, thousands of children were separated from their families at the border, a practice intended to deter illegal immigration. The policy was widely condemned and eventually ended, but it remains one of the most controversial aspects of Trump’s immigration legacy.

Immigration Reform: Comprehensive vs. Piecemeal

Harris’s Comprehensive Reform Harris supports comprehensive immigration reform that addresses various aspects of the system, including a pathway to citizenship, border security, and the protection of DREAMers. Her approach is holistic, aiming to create a fair and functional immigration system that serves both immigrants and the country.

Trump’s Piecemeal Approach Trump’s approach to immigration reform was more piecemeal, focusing on specific aspects like border security and reducing legal immigration. His administration did not pursue comprehensive reform, instead prioritizing policies that aligned with his broader agenda of restriction and enforcement.

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Conclusion: A Choice Between Two Visions

The immigration policies of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump represent two fundamentally different approaches to one of the most contentious issues in American politics. Harris’s policies are rooted in compassion, inclusion, and reform, while Trump’s policies emphasize control, enforcement, and restriction. As the debate over immigration continues, the choice between these two visions will have profound implications for the future of the U.S. and its immigrant communities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary difference between Harris and Trump’s immigration policies?

The primary difference lies in their approach: Harris focuses on inclusion and reform, while Trump emphasizes control and enforcement.

How does Harris plan to address undocumented immigrants in the U.S.?

Harris supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, allowing them to earn legal status.

What was Trump’s stance on DACA and DREAMers?

Trump attempted to end DACA, reflecting his administration’s broader stance on limiting protections for undocumented individuals.

How do Harris and Trump differ on border security?

Harris advocates for smart border security using technology, while Trump focuses on building a physical wall along the southern border.

What are Harris’s views on refugees and asylum seekers?

Harris supports increasing the number of refugees and believes in a humane asylum process that protects individuals fleeing persecution.