Find Your NOC Code Canada: Skilled Workers NOC List 2024

The NOC code Canada is a unique code given to every occupation and job in the country. This code is used to keep track of and analyze the data regarding the different job openings in Canada. This helps in the classification and organization of job-related data and statistics and is a concept that you must be familiar with if you wish to immigrate to Canada for work. Skilled workers and unskilled workers both have an NOC code Canada attached to their job profile. Thus, you must be familiar with what NOC code Canada immigration demands of you and be familiar with the process. Through, along with an NOC code list to help you find your NOC code.

Understanding NOC Code Canada 

The NOC code Canada is a concept that you will have to familiarize yourself with if you wish to move to Canada and work there.TNOC code, Canada, helps determine the type of work. You are going to do and bring about a better Association of who you are for the Canadian authorities; in this blog, we will be covering what an NOC code is and why it’s important, the high-demand occupations that come under the NOC code list, TEER categories and how to be mindful while applying for an NOC code Canada.

What is NOC Code Canada? 

NOC stands for National Occupation Classification. This system is unique to Canada, and it was formulated by the Canadian government to categorize and keep track of all the jobs in the country. It divides jobs based on skill levels, educational backgrounds, and the responsibilities associated with them. Every NOC code has a different set of job roles and responsibilities associated with it.

The IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) uses the NOC code, Canada to ascertain whether a type of work experience makes an individual eligible to immigrate to Canada.

NOC codes are classified based on the TEER categories, which are also covered in this blog. There are six types of TEER categories under which your job profile can be classified.

Structure of NOC Code Canada

As you may have already picked up on, the NOC code, Canada is divided in a very organized manner. An NOC code has five digits. Each digit is of a specific significance.

  • The first digit represents the broad category

  • The second digit represents the TER group that the job belongs to

  • The third digit represents the sub-major groups. The job belongs to

  • The fourth digit represents the minor groups at the job that might belong to

  • The fifth digit represents the unit groups or detailed occupation-related information about the job. 

Importance of NOC Code Canada 

The NOC code Canada is a very important concept that you must be familiar with. If you apply for immigration programs in Canada, like the express entry program, you will have to make use of the NOC system and find NOC codes that apply to your prospective jobs. If you wish to immigrate to Canada and work there, you will have to apply through the express entry system. This system will automatically refer to the NOC code applicable to you to evaluate your profile. Your NOC code Canada will give the authorities a rough idea of who you are, and what work you are going to do in Canada, it provides your first impression in terms of professional expectations in Canada, making it a very important topic. 


Your NOC code Canada also helps employers gauge a rough understanding of who you are and your educational background. Different NOC codes and TEER categories also have different perks attached to them, so it’s important to find the NOC code well before you start your application to immigrate to Canada. 

How to Find Your NOC Code Canada 

It is important to find the NOC code which is correct for you. Choosing the wrong NOC code Canada can create unnecessary problems in your application. Canada uses the 2021 version of their National Occupational Classification System to identify jobs based on the TEER categories they fall into. Here is how you can find NOC code Canada which is appropriate for you. 


Step 1: Go to the NOC website


Step 2: Enter your job name in the field that says ‘filter items’. 


Step 3: As you type the job title, the table will start displaying related job titles and entries. Keep an eye on that. 


Step 4: A numerical code will be displayed in the center column (for eg. 10231). Note down this code. 


Step 5: A TEER category will also be mentioned in the left column. Note down that figure as well. 


Step 6: On the NOC website, choose NOC version 2021 and search for your NOC using the numeric code you now have. 


Step 7: Make sure that the duties and responsibilities mentioned for your job title are the same ones you employ in your day-to-day work life. If not, in case of any discrepancy, you have to find a new NOC code and job title that matches yours. 

Using the NOC Database

Using the NOC database involves a very simple process. As mentioned above, you simply have to enter your job title, and various jobs relating to your job title will appear. You must select the job title that is the closest to yours or has the most similar responsibilities to yours. You must be very careful while entering your NOC number as entering the wrong number can register you with the wrong details, and you will have to go through a whole different process to fix that.

As long as you pay attention and are mindful of what you are doing while figuring out your NOC code Canada, using the NOC database will be a piece of cake.

NOC Code List: High-Demand Occupations 

While Canada has many job openings, some jobs are in more demand than others. Here are some of the most in–demand jobs in Canada with their NOC code, as per the 2021 version mentioned alongside.

Job Title

NOC code (2021 version)

Finance manager

NOC 10010

HR manager

NOC 10011

Engineering manager

NOC 20010

Computer and information systems manager

NOC 20012

Construction manager

NOC 70010

Financial auditors, and accountants

NOC 11100

Financial and investment analyst 

NOC 11101


NOC 14101

Registered nurse and registered psychiatric nurse

NOC 31301

Business development officers

NOC 41402

Retail and wholesale buyers

NOC 62101

Heavy-duty equipment mechanics

NOC 72401

Air pilots, flight engineers, and flight instructors 

NOC 77260

Transport truck drivers

NOC 73300

Heavy equipment operators

NOC 73400


Understanding TEER Categories 

TEER stands for Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities. When you research the NOC code Canada, the TEER categories are bound to come up. The TEER categories, determine the eligible occupations in Canada for the express entry system. To qualify for most express entry classes, your job must come under one of the TEER categories and be listed in it. This is one of the most important components of the NOC code Canada system. TEER categories club different occupations under specific levels based on the training level, academic qualifications, work experiences, and other requirements associated with specific jobs in Canada.


The NOC code Canada system has six different TEER categories. These categories range from TEER level 0 to TEER level 5. The NOC code associated with each job falling under each category is used by the IRCC to identify the experience and qualifications of the candidate. 


The different TEER categories and what they mean are discussed below. 

TEER level

Occupation Type


Managerial-level occupations


Jobs that require a university-level degree


Jobs that require a diploma from college along with apprenticeship training for 2 or more years (best suited for supervisor roles)


Jobs that require a diploma from college along with apprenticeship training for less than 2 years


Jobs that require a high school diploma along with work experience


Jobs that do not require any formal educational training, only short-term work experience


Jobs that fall under TEER levels 0,1,2, or 3 are known as high-skilled work jobs. Jobs that fall under the levels four or five come under low-skilled work jobs. You can determine your TEER level after you have obtained your NOC code in Canada. The second digit of your five-digit NOC code is indicative of your TEER level.


Otherwise, you can also look up the list of occupations that qualify for these various TEER categories and the NOC codes associated with them. Again, just look at the second digit of your NOC code Canada to know your TEER category. 


Common Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing NOC Code Canada

When selecting a NOC code for Canadian immigration, keep these key points in mind:

1. Prioritize Duties Over Titles: Focus on whether the NOC code aligns with your actual job responsibilities, not just your job title.

2. Accurately Reflect Your Skill Level: Choose a NOC code that genuinely matches your experience and skills rather than opting for a higher-skilled code just to gain more points.

3. Verify Educational Requirements: Ensure you meet any specific educational qualifications associated with the NOC code.

4. Fulfill the Experience Criteria: You must have at least one year of continuous, relevant work experience for the chosen NOC code.

5. Consult the Official NOC Website: Use the Government of Canada's official NOC website for the most reliable and up-to-date information.


The NOC code is a very important part of your express and entry immigration process to Canada. The NOC code Canada must be correct and you must not make any mistakes while picking an NOC code. The process itself is not super hard. You can determine your N code through the NOC code list quite easily, while immigrating to Canada, navigating through your NOC code is one of the most important things you must do. For other immigration-related services, Terratern is right here to help.