Nurse Salary in Germany and Affecting Factors in 2024

Written by

Alisha Azeem

Fact check by

Afreen Abbasi

Updated on

Jul 07,2024

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Since Germany has a thriving medical industry, we can expect nurse salary in Germany to be high. Germany's healthcare industry is one of the best in the world, and it offers various opportunities for nurses and other healthcare professionals. With a BSc nursing salary in Germany can be quite high for you.

Nurses are an indispensable part of any medical environment and are, therefore, compensated quite well. To pursue nursing as a profession, you need to have certain qualifications and degrees, and the nurse salary in Germany per hour is also determined by our experience. The more experience you get, the higher your salary will be. Your salary will also be influenced by the city you work in, as different regions of Germany have different requirements for nurses. Thus, if you are looking to pursue nursing as a profession, Germany is one of your best bets. Here is everything you need to know about nurse salaries in Germany, along with factors that influence nurse salaries, different specialisations that you can avail of, and the future scope of nursing in Germany. 

Why Should You Become A Nurse in Germany?

Apart from the nurse salary in Germany being quite high, what other reasons can convince you to become a nurse in Germany? 

  • Germany has one of the highest employment rates for nurses in the world, ensuring job security in the country.

  • Germany allows you to pursue specialisation and qualification opportunities unlike any other. You can pursue a specialisation in nursing in different fields, which will also enhance your work experience and the salary that you can get.

  • The work-life balance in Germany is quite ideal. Germany has very regulated and flexible hours.

  • The healthcare industry in Germany offers job security. Many work councils and unions will protect you in the workplace.

  • Of course, the nurse salary in Germany is quite high, especially when compared to other countries.

  • Germany offers a generous period of maternity and paternity leave. Working mothers are allowed to take as much as three years of parental leave per child. You also have the right to work part-time, up to 30 hours a week, during your parental leave.

  • Working in Germany also entitles you to 6 weeks of paid sick leave and 20 holidays per year. 

Average Indian Nurse Salary in Germany 2024

Below is the average Nurse Salary in Germany according to an hour, per month, per year, and experience:

  • The average nurse salary in Germany per hour is around €138 to €140. 
  • The average nurse salary per month is around €2740. 
  • The average nurse salary in Germany is expected to be around €33654 per year.

The average salaries based on experience are listed below:


Experience Level

Average Nurse Salary in Germany

0-1 years (BSc nursing salary in Germany)



1-4 years



5-9 years



10 years and above




Thus, we can establish that the average nurse salary in Germany is around €33,000. The average nurse salary in Germany per month can range between €2500 to €3000. Of course, the salary is subject to change based on the organisation where you work, the city or region, and so on. 


Factors Influencing Indian Nursing Salaries in 2024

What factors determine the payment you get as a nurse in Germany? Many reasons influence your nurse salary in Germany. As a result, you need to keep these reasons in mind while pursuing nursing as your main source of income and ensure that these reasons work in your favour. Experience is a very important factor that influences the average nurse salary in Germany per month that you will receive. However, apart from experience, many other reasons influence the package you get from your hospital or organisation. The most important factors that influence the nurse salary in Germany are listed below.

1. Qualifications

Your qualifications are the primary factor that determines your eligibility for a certain hourly wage as a nurse in Germany. To pursue nursing, you must have at least a BSc in nursing. After a BSc, nursing salary in Germany is determined by your individual skills and specialisations. Without this degree, you will not be allowed to pursue nursing as a career; you must also be a registered nurse in Germany. To be a registered nurse in Germany, you should have this degree and be fluent in German, at least at the B1 level.

There are also various options available for individuals who hold diploma courses in nursing, as well as Masters and PhD level individuals in this field.

2. Region

Different cities in Germany have different payroll options for nurses. Working in a city like Berlin will offer you very different options than a city like Cologne. Cities like Berlin and Hamburg offered the best salaries for nursing. Cities like Dortmund and Essen offer lower salaries for nursing. However, they are still higher than the global comparative average. The salary difference is caused by the level of exposure. The city is in demand for nurses. Berlin, Frankfurt, and Hamburg are bigger cities with more global exposure. At the same time, cities like Essen, Dortmund, and Leipzig are comparatively smaller cities with lesser exposure. Thus, there is a difference in the payment based on the different cities.

3. Specialisation

Specialization of nurses in Germany - TerraTern

Various specializations determine the average nurse salary in Germany per month. These specialisations are a driving factor in determining how much you can earn as a nurse. Different types of nurses earn different amounts and have different employment opportunities available to them. After a BSc, nursing salary in Germany is determined by your individual skills and specialisations.

Some of the most popular specialisations based on salaries are:

  • Nurse anaesthetist

  • Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner

  • Midwife

  • Clinical nurse specialist 

  • Oncology nurse

  • Trauma nurse

  • Dialysis nurse

  • Paediatric nurse

  • Travel Nurse

  • Infection control/prevention nurse

  • Neonatal nurse

  • ICU nurse

  • Acute care nurse

  • Nephrology nurse

  • Palliative care nurse

  • Geriatric nurse

  • Public health nurse

  • School nurse

According to estimates, there are 106 nursing specialities that one can avail of. All of these different specialisations have different salary options, employment ranges, and other benefits attached to them. They also offer diverse types of exposure to patients and different learning experiences. Make sure to explore these options before you settle on one type of registered nursing career.

Regional Variances in Nurse Salaries 2024

Nurse salary in different cities in Germany - TerraTern

As discussed above, there are many regional variances in the average nurse salary in Germany. Due to their different exposure and demand levels, different regions offer a wide range of nurse salary in Germany. Here are the top 10 cities to pursue nursing as a profession in Germany based on their salaries. 


Nurse Salary in Germany (INR)






















Career Progression and Salary Growth for Indian Nurse Salary in Germany

You might find yourself asking if there is a long-term future for nursing in Germany. There is a long-term future for nursing in Germany as the demand is expected to rise continually. Germany happens to be one of the largest economies in the world. It is expected that by 2030, Germany will have over 300,000 vacancies for nurses. 

In general, Germany has a lot of vacancies for many different jobs, which expats are filling. So, Germany already has a high demand for skilled professionals from different countries, and this applies to professionals in nursing as well.

Moreover, the life expectancy rate has increased globally due to technological and healthcare advancements. Thus, the need for skilled nurses who can take care of the elderly is also quite high. Germany has always focused on patient-centric care, so the demand for nurses in Germany has always been quite high. 

Currently, there are over 50,000 job openings for international nurses in Germany. Since Germany is expected to rely on international nurses continually, you can expect the salaries for international nurses to be quite high as well. You can expect the industry to work in your favour as it will rely on international nurses like yourself to survive the nursing industry successfully. 

Nursing is a great career choice if you also want to apply for permanent residency in Germany.



In the last few years, the German government has employed many initiatives to streamline the process for international nurses seeking work in Germany and make it more lucrative as well. The integration of foreign nurses in Germany is quite smooth, and the average nurse salary in Germany, as discussed before, is quite high. Countries like India, Indonesia, and the Philippines are among Germany's highest nurse suppliers. Moreover, Germany offers various highly developed infrastructures for nurses, with access to state-of-the-art technology that makes the experience of nursing in Germany one of a kind.

Terratern can be your partner to help you become a nurse in Germany and settle there. With specialized programs and services curated to suit your needs, TerraTern can be an answer to all your immigration needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the average benefits included in nurse compensation packages in Germany?

The average benefits included in nurse compensation packages in Germany include Social Security coverage, health insurance, paid vacations, sick leave of up to 6 weeks, and maternity and paternity leaves, which allow you to take off three years per child.

How does the demand for nurses impact salary negotiations in Germany?

Germany is facing a crisis with its ageing population right now. Due to its aging population, the demand for nurses has become higher as the country needs more nurses to take care of its elderly. This has led to an increase in nurse salaries in Germany.

Are there specific incentives for nurses working in rural areas of Germany?

Working in a smaller or rural city in Germany does not negatively impact the salary you might earn. As you can see in the table listed above, nurses in rural regions still earn well. Working in rural regions also allows you to learn about a patient better and exposes you to a slower-paced lifestyle with a Commer approach to life than a fast-paced city in Germany.

Can nurses in Germany expect bonuses or performance-based rewards in addition to their salaries?

Yes, you can. However, this varies from hospital to hospital and organisation to organisation. Depending on which organization you are working with and what their policies and bonuses are, you can avail of performance-based rewards. However, most organizations do have performance-based rewards to incentivize their nurses.

What role do unions play in advocating for fair wages for nurses in Germany?

Unions play a very important role in advocating for no salary in German unions. Ensure that nurses aren’t underpaid or mistreated, irrespective of you. Being an international nurse or a domestic nurse. The union will still have your back in case of any important situation.