Understanding ANZSCO: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the job market in Australia and New Zealand requires a clear understanding of ANZSCO and ANZSCO codes. This system classifies occupations, defining skill levels and job categories.

ANZSCO, or the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, is crucial as it is used for immigration, employment, and statistical reporting in these countries.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of ANZSCO. We'll delve into its structure, skill levels, and job categories.

It will also help you if you are a job seeker, employer, or immigration consultant. It will assist you in classifying occupations accurately for various purposes. Let's demystify ANZSCO together.

What is ANZSCO?

ANZSCO stands for the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations. It's a system that classifies and assesses the skill levels of occupations based on their education and roles.

This classification is key. It helps us understand the demands of various jobs. It's used for immigration, employment, and statistical reporting in Australia and New Zealand.

What is the Structure of ANZSCO?

ANZSCO is structured into five skill levels, from Skill Level 1 (highest) to Skill Level 5 (lowest). The levels are based on the job's required qualifications and experience.

Each occupation in ANZSCO is assigned a unique code for identification. Job categories are grouped into:

Major Groups: 

These are broad categories that group together related occupations. For example, "Managers" and "Professionals".

Sub-Major Groups: 

These further divide the major groups into more specific areas. For example, "Education Professionals" under the major group of "Professionals".

Minor Groups: 

These are even more specialized categories within sub-major groups.

Unit Groups: 

The most specific category in ANZSCO represents individual occupations within minor groups.

These groups represent the nature of skilled tasks. They are performed in different jobs.

ANZSCO Skill Levels Explained

Understanding the skill levels in ANZSCO is crucial for job seekers and employers alike. 

  • Skill Level 1 represents occupations that require a bachelor's degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification.

  • Skill Level 2 occupations usually need a diploma or advanced trade certificate. They may also require on-the-job training or relevant experience.

  • Skill Level 3 jobs usually require a Certificate III or IV. They also need on-the-job training and relevant experience.

  • These jobs are generally at Skill Level 4. They need a Certificate II. They may also need on-the-job training or relevant experience.

  • Skill Level 5, however, includes occupations that involve performing routine tasks and duties. For these jobs, a high school diploma or less may be required. 

Other skill levels fall between these two extremes. They need varying education and experience. Employers use these levels to set the right salary and conditions for each job. Immigration authorities also use them to assess visa applications.

Job Categories and Codes in ANZSCO Search

ANZSCO classifies occupations into different job categories. These categories are grouped into the following groups:

Major Groups:

  • Managers

  • Professionals

  • Technicians and Trades Workers

  • Community and Personal Service Workers

  • Clerical and Administrative Workers

Sub-Major Groups:

  • Managers and Administrators

  • Professionals in Arts, Media, Culture and Sport

  • Health Professionals

  • ICT Professionals 

Minor Groups:

  • Corporate Services Managers 

  • Engineering, ICT, and Science Technicians 

Unit Groups: 

  • Advertising and Marketing Professionals

  • Air Transport Professionals

  • Ambulance Officers and Paramedics

The ANZSCO codes show the format for each occupation. They have codes for the major, sub-major, minor, and unit groups.

For example:

  1. Major Group: Managers (code: 1000)

  2. Sub-Major Group: Corporate Services Managers (code: 1111)

  3. Minor Group: Human Resource Managers (code: 1112)

  4. Unit Group: Human Resource Manager (code: 111211)

Navigating ANZSCO for Employment and Immigration

Understanding ANZSCO is crucial for both job seekers and employers. It helps define job roles and responsibilities, aligning them with the right skill levels. For immigrants, ANZSCO is a key tool in the skilled migration process.

The system aligns with visa requirements, helping to determine eligibility. An accurate understanding of ANZSCO can significantly streamline the immigration and employment process.

The Importance of ANZSCO in the Job Market

ANZSCO plays a vital role in understanding the job market in Australia and New Zealand. It shows the demands of different jobs. This helps to shape workforce planning and development. Below are the benefits of ANZSCO in the job market:

Standardized Classification: 

ANZSCO provides a standard system for classifying occupations. It makes comparing and analysing data easier.

Accurate Job Matching:

Employers can use ANZSCO codes to match job roles with the skills they need. This ensures it's the right fit for their organization.

Fair Employment Practices:

The skill levels in ANZSCO help employers. They use them to set pay and conditions for different jobs. This promotes fair pay and worker's rights.

Efficient Immigration Process:

For immigrants, understanding ANZSCO is crucial as it aligns with visa requirements. An accurate job code may boost the chances of success. It's able to help with skilled migration applications.

Moreover, it aids in policy-making and helps to understand the assessing authority for the skill assessment process. It ensures that the labour market needs are accurately reflected. This makes ANZSCO indispensable. It is a tool for employers, job seekers, and government officials.

Keeping Up-to-Date with ANZSCO Changes

ANZSCO is not a static system. It undergoes periodic updates to reflect changes in the labour market. This ensures that the classification remains relevant and accurate.

Staying updated with these changes is crucial for all stakeholders. It helps in accurate occupation classification, job searching, career planning, and immigration processes. TerraTern aims to give our clients the latest on ANZSCO and other job resources. Stay connected with us to stay informed of any updates or changes in ANZSCO. 

Discover All That Terratern Can Do for You

1. Clear and honest guidance and consultation.

2. Comprehensive Visa and Immigration Documentation Assistance

3. Tailored checklists aligned with your program requirements.

4. Job Search Assistance and Support

5. Preparation for IELTS, PTE, and more language proficiency tests.

6. Continued support and relocation assistance after its arrival.

Conclusion and Further Resources

The ANZSCO Code and job search system may seem complex at first. But, understanding its structure and purpose can greatly help job seekers and employers. People can better match their skills with job opportunities by using the system. They must interpret job codes. Employers can also use ANZSCO to guide hiring practices and workforce planning.

For further resources on ANZSCO or employment in Australia and New Zealand, check out the following sources:

Job search websites such as Seek or Indeed to explore current job openings by ANZSCO